Whether you are...
• A beginner or expert voice actor
• A pastor or ministry leader who is struggling to connect.
• An instructor who is tired of watching their students fall asleep in class.
• Anyone who wants to improve their everyday speaking skills...
Don't Wait. Empower YOUR Platform

Magnetize Your Voice

Unlock Your Capability
Your voice has incredible potential created into it from the time you were born. Once you dive into how it actually works and how the WAY you say things affects your listeners, you’ll start uncovering your voice’s true versatility and its power to enhance every aspect of your life.

Capture Your Audience
You lose your listeners easily.
Instead of being attracted to your speech, people seem disinterested (or even repelled). You have plenty to say, but you’re self-conscious and stumble when it’s your turn. Listeners get impatient and eventually check out. It's time to say goodbye to these problems. YOUR MESSAGE IS IMPORTANT. Learn to finally captivate your crowd.

Find True Leadership Confidence
Whether you’re looking to become a more effective leader, a deeper friend, a more intimate partner, a more assertive manager, a powerful preacher, or just a more enjoyable human being, this course provides every detail to sharpen your craft TODAY.
As an award-winning career voice actor, performer, speaker, and musician, Joel Weldon knows the fine points of effective communication. In fact, you hear his voice daily on national networks and media campaigns for clients such as FORD, CARL'S JR/HARDEES, FOX SPORTS, ROSETTA STONE, NHL, NASCAR, CATERPILLAR, and countless others. His signature voice also brands the production of several ministries including In Touch Ministries with Charles Stanley, and Harvest with Greg Laurie.
Joel and his wife Debbie have 3 children, love people, love the beach, all things healthy living, and call Southern California home.
He's coached hundreds of voice actors, as well as pastors, executives, and anyone with a desire to improve their speaking craft. His proprietary TrueYou Speaking Method® gets immediate and dramatic results.

More at joelweldonvoices.com
Scot Harden
Off Road Racing Hall of Fame Icon, Broadcast Commentator, Sports Personality
“Absolutely one of the best continuing education courses I have taken. Joel's knowledge, experience and presentation style is easy going but focused on results. The curriculum is well thought out and follows a logical progression, delivering real world, practical training and a path forward. Whether your goal is voice acting as a profession or you just want to become a more competent and assured public speaker or presenter I highly recommend Joel's courses.”

Executive Pastor Ron Baum
Cornerstone Community Church
Wildomar, California
"As an Executive Pastor it is my responsibility to develop young leaders. A vital area for these leaders is communication craft. Many just get up and start talking. Without training, they often gravitate to emulating someone else. Authenticity lacks and messages fall flat. Even those with experience rarely refined their gift.
"With Joel’s training these communicators are challenged to revitalize their communication skills. They implement the training, receive feedback and experience immediate results. For your leaders, I encourage you to make this training a non-negotiable with those who are given a mic!"

Empower Your Platform
Southern California, USA
(a division of Joel Weldon Inc)